
David White, Unsplash, Sep 2019
My name is Sophie, and I am a 21-year-old final year undergrad student at Sheffield Hallam University.

As part of my final year project, I have created this site and podcast series to explore the complex issues surrounding abortion. With insight into abortion facts, differing views, and contrasting legislation around the world, I aim to provide space for meaningful and respectful conversations around abortion. I also intend to highlight the diverse perspectives and experiences of individuals affected by this issue.

I have always been fascinated by polarising debates, such as euthanasia, the death penalty and gender identity. I find it interesting that people so like-minded can have such strong and divergent perspectives on a heavy topic.

But the pro-life vs pro-choice debate felt most close to my heart because, unlike other divisive topics, I genuinely did not know my stance on the debate before my research into this topic. I have always been a naturally maternal person and have dreamed of being a mother since I pushed my baby born in a pram around my garden as a small child. But I have also always wanted to be a mother when I am in my thirties, settled down, with a steady income and a loving husband.

‘What if I fell pregnant now?’ is a conversation that I have had with friends, family, and partners. I have had different views throughout the start of my adulthood but have always maintained that I would not know until that hypothetical scenario became reality.

Is it fair to have an abortion if you have fallen pregnant at an inconvenient/ unintended time? Is the mother’s life more important than the child’s life? Does abortion even take a life? When does life start? – so many questions, with no definitive answer.

I hope to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions, and to encourage critical thinking and empathy among my audience. There should be no shame, judgement or embarrassment in this debate, as everyone is entitled to their own perspective and truth, and I have tried to emulate this within my podcasts.

Thank you so much for visiting my site and listening to my podcasts!
