Creating Conversation

The Abortion Debate Podcast

Elijah Merrell, Unsplash, Oct 2020

This podcast will be exploring one of the most controversial and polarising topics of our time: abortion. On one hand, we have individuals who are pro-life, meaning that they believe that abortion is morally wrong and should not be legal. On the other hand, we have individuals who are pro-choice, meaning that they believe that women should have the right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. The purpose of this podcast is not to convince anyone to change their beliefs, but rather to facilitate a respectful and open dialogue between people who hold differing opinions on this complex issue. I hope that through this conversation, we can foster greater understanding and empathy for each other’s perspectives.

Paige Rogers

Paige is a project technical advisor for SafeHands, a small creative organisation that uses media and digital tech, to deliver sexual and reproductive health and rights to women and girls in Uganda and Ethiopia. She also previously worked at Planned Parenthood Federation (PPF), a non-profit organisation that provides reproductive and sexual healthcare, and sexual education in the United states and globally.

Paige grew up in Michigan, US, in the early 2000’s, and experienced growing up with a conservative education system. Despite this, Paige grew up around very liberal family and friends, and identifies as a pro-choice advocate. She believes that women should have the choice to make decisions on their own bodies. 

In this podcast I ask Paige about what it was like growing up in an American school, what her sex education classes looked like, and how she feels about the current laws in the United States. For information on the current legislation in the United States, go to the legislation page. We also discuss contraception, promiscuity and the importance of education.

Graham Nicholls

Graham is a Christian Pastor of Christ Church Haywards Heath.  He is also the director of Affinity, a network of more than 1,200 Bible-centred churches and evangelical agencies throughout Britain and Ireland. Graham’s role in Affinity is to connect different churches, produce theological resources and engage in social issues – abortion being one of them. 

Graham’s stance on the abortion debate is that he is a pro-life advocate. He follows the Bible, and believes that a life is created at conception, and therefore abortion is taking a life, which is immoral and wrong in any circumstance. 

In this podcast, we discuss Christianity and Bible teachings, and how this has shaped Graham’s view on the debate. I also ask Graham if he believes there is ever a valid reason to have an abortion, and what he hopes to see for the future of abortion legislation in the UK.

Katie Clarke

Katie is a human rights post graduate, working in the criminal justice system with victims, survivors and perpetrators of violent crime, to facilitate in rehabilitation.  She also has a background working for Causeway, a charity supporting survivors of modern slavery, through safe houses within South Yorkshire. 

Katie’s stance on the abortion debate is strictly pro-choice. She thinks that there is only one right choice, as nobody should be able to tell women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies, and abortion is rightly legal in the UK. 

In this podcast, Katie discusses her charity work within modern slavery, and the reality of modern slavery in the UK today. We also discuss when life starts, whether there should be a cap on the number of abortions a woman is allowed to have, and what can be done to reduce the number of abortions. 

Pauline Peachey 

Pauline has involvement at Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform UK (CBR) in supporting women that have had an abortion. Pauline had an abortion in her early twenties, after falling pregnant whilst having German measles.

Although Pauline has had an abortion, she is a pro-life advocate, and believes that there is no excuse for an abortion – it should be unthinkable. 

In this podcast, we discuss Pauline’s traumatic experience of having an abortion in the early 1970’s, and the effects that this had on her. We also discuss Pauline’s view of the current abortion laws in the UK.

Disclaimer: Pauline’s experience of an abortion was extremely traumatic, however it is important to note that this is very rare, and is not a reflection of every woman’s experience with an abortion. 

Gordon Alexander

Gordon is a Client Services Executive for a healthcare system company and has worked in the healthcare industry for over two decades.  With a life-changing experience during his time at Dundee University, his outlook on the pro-life vs pro-choice debate completely changed. 

In this podcast Gordon reveals how an incident at university changed his perspective on the abortion debate. We also discuss alternatives to having an abortion, and how, as a man, he has the right to an opinion in this conversation. 

Ruth Rawlins

Ruth works at Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform UK (CBR) in educating women on the reality of abortion. This is delivered through going out into the public square, and showing images of what an abortion looks like, and educating members of the public on the facts around abortion. 

Ruth is a pro-life advocate and thinks that abortion should be inconceivable, as it is wrong in every way, no matter the circumstance. 

In this podcast we discuss Ruth’s work at CBR, including her reasoning for standing outside abortion clinics and in city centres, condemning abortions. We also discuss whether there is ever a circumstance in which abortion should be allowed, and why she believes abortion should be unthinkable.